Wednesday, November 4, 2009

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To each his own cross but not in the wall unit of the school.

The ruling by the European Court of Human Rights calls on Italy to remove any religious symbols from classrooms, including the crucifix.
are no practicing Christian and I do not care if Jesus is the son of God or man and all. Let's say that was a great man and that symbol is a synthesis of ultimate sacrifice, peace and nonviolence.
Over the millennia, however, the cross was used as an excuse to divide, isolate and kill. From the Crusades to World War II every was a good excuse to say, "God wills it."
That symbol was stamped on all the shields and armor of pilgrims to the holy war.
It is said that St. Francis did his bit for his crusade, the noble Saracen Saladin after having caught and released him because they heard struck by his words.
She was wearing a cross is not bloody.
A Member must not allow non-fundamentalist symbols outside of its flag.
not a matter of tradition is a matter of space. If we want to represent all faiths and traditions of Italy should build bigger schools.
How nice it would be a better teacher just above the flag of peace or a multicolored flag of the League of farm laborers or party.
Once, many years ago, I put the poster of Ernesto Guevara with the signature auction la victoria siempre.
they did pull me down. I thought the school was gagging my freedom of opinion and expression. T-shirts with Che however, accepted.
In the eighties they had understood the meaning of freedom.
Today in Italy and in Europe are to prevent the freedom to express personal belief: the veil, the crucifix, the clothes more or less opaque or symbolic.
I say: "Just to have the walls of schools to be emptied every symbol that is not tied to the Italian State: A beautiful framed constitution would not be bad for example, wrong not to allow believers to also wear well exposed his own cross.


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