Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Were To Sell Plasma In Orange County

When the emergency is not as ready: NO AID

the ER requires a lot of luck.

The long waits have been shared by many people including myself but it just happened that I happened on the night of Saturday, 11/21 and Sunday 22 -11.

I lived a traumatic experience that will remain for life in my memories as well as in my view.

Saturday evening after a long day I decide to watch a movie lying on the couch and what happens to those who are tired I fall asleep. Around half past midnight I wake up and realize that I still wear contact lenses. I try to remove them but one of them does not come off. I decided with much embarrassment to call the emergency doctor because I thought for a trifle disturbing. The attending physician reassures me by saying that it is very common but unfortunately does not have the tools to remove it and I recommend that you contact the emergency room.

Around one and half to the emergency room are crammed with people suffering from various diseases. The nurse after being informed of the emergency medical opinion and I suggest, given the overcrowding and the fact that before the late morning had not been present to the eye doctor, to try to resolve the matter with me through the purchase of equipment ( a sucker cavalenti) at the pharmacy on duty. After my adventures related to the difficulty of seeing that little man in brief, the pharmacist, being what I was looking for a specialized tool, it gives me an enema as an alternative that could be used to try to remove the lens.

Back home, I live about 20 Km away, after many attempts, I realize the futility the "bulb" which, as mentioned in the instructions, it is useful for intestinal washes and earphones (not ocular).

I try to sleep but the pain is getting stronger and I decided then, was around four and a half to go to the emergency room prepared to do long hours in a row.

Luckily we had been only a few and then the nurse goes to the opening of my practice, in half an hour or so before the doctor is trying in vain to remove the lens. At this point, about six and a quarter, they invited me to again after ten-thirty when I found the ophthalmologist.

All the doctors interviewed or seen so far I have reassured me that the soft lens would not create any damage.

Back home again growing pain forces me to consult with my personal 118 (my mother-in-law) who offered to accompany me to Bologna, where, only now I discover, there is an emergency room ophthalmology at the Saint Ursula.

The diagnosis: the lens is not and I have an ulcer on the entire cornea that forces me to stay in bed, blindfolded, with his eyes closed and with great pain. The prognosis is, if all goes well, Fort Bend a few days of pain and inactivity for at least eight working days. Complications due to infection are high enough to prevent a lot of attention and treatment with antibiotics.

All staff at Imola and Bologna was always kind, considerate and sensitive to my suffering and that is why each has sought to go beyond their expertise to put a "patch" to a structural problem tied to a wrong economic policy that encourages local health authorities to save on everything from the simplest and most basic tools to the availability of doctors and the same day must be between wards and clinics to carry out even their normal activities.

This leads to economic policy mistakes that, as in my case, and even worse news, then become burdens and costs of work (already the third visit in a week and I have to do more).

policy is no less when, with the slogan of lower taxes, abolish the contribution to the national health service and establishing the IRAP and now plans to abolish the IRAP abolished in public health.

Council to all those who may be somewhere in my own emergency conditions require the intervention of the specialist or, alternatively, to know if there is a nearby emergency room specialist and register for our leaders to change their health do not mess around.


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