Sunday, May 31, 2009

Request Prom Dress Catalogue

Third! Tomorrow I

This time I did few photos and no movie, that the races were quite demanding.

I managed to burn the little fingers with the jib sheet, once I got the boom in front and once the pole in his ear as if to say that there have been times excited.

The wind ran continuously with intensity ranging from nothing and twenty knots. In the second race we were in the stern upwind and downwind from the cross, so that we have not even raised the spinnaker.

in real time in two races today we closed the first and third. In corrected time there were three teams in head-to-five points, in which case (unfortunately) it favors the finishing order of the race faster.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Are Michelin Rain Force Wipers Any Good

spring cleaning today ahead of tomorrow's race. We pulled out, folded Rimes and in his sails removed tens of kilograms of equipment useless tidied the interior, wash the rug with the cleaner. We are ready for racing tomorrow, apart from the training that we are missing altogether.

still matter of being able to do some board tomorrow morning before the race, right to review their reflexes.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Does Adderall Make My Mouth Dry

SkyWatcher MN190

At the public event at the castle of Formigine I got to try a tool that fascinates me is the new Skywatcher MN 190. The new Skywatcher
MN 190 is a configuration tool Maksutov-Newtonian with a focal length of 1000mm focal ratio F.5, 3 suitable for observation and shooting and planetary objects deep sky in high resolution. The tube is made with extreme care, intubation is aluminum and the mechanics are finely made, inside there are 5 different apertures that increase image contrast. The Crayford focuser reduced from 50.8 to 31.8 allows the use of all eyes. All Vestri optical products are made of Pyrex and SHOTT.
comes supplied with a 28 mm eyepiece, a seeker 9x50 straightened in the image with support for quick, couple rings with dovetail bar.
the field, I had little time to try the instrument and especially under cloudy sky and nearly full moon. Even so I
noticed right away that the field of view is perfectly flat to the edges ideal for shooting with great CCD sensors.
It was really very clear and contrasted, albeit veiled the moon was very well recorded and gave emozioni.Saturno almost always covered by clouds was incredible contrast and detail, the rings even cutting it looks fine as a shadow that produced the disk of the planet. Also we could see the bands on the planet.
Despite the short time the sky really bad and I can only advise this tool, I dare not imagine the emotions that can give the observer in good condition, I have not tried to take pictures, but I believe that is an exceptional tool in astrophotography
tube in all its grandeur.
Crayford Focuser.
The pipe from the front.

Detail of the corrector plate.
Note sula board holes to circulate air more quickly, the entry of any dust is prevented by a small fine mesh net.