Monday, April 7, 2008

How Do You Know If A Verruca Is Gone?

SkyWatcher Equinox 80ED

The SkyWatcher (SW) is a Chinese firm, which in recent years has gained significant market share, and recently I have begun to take an eye on its products, thanks to my dealer, Staroptics. I have previously purchased a diagonal 2 "and the Barlow apo 2x, and I noticed a considerable care in realizzazione.Con I am convinced these two purchases and I bought the Equinox 80ED.

SW The Equinox is the evolution of the former ED of its small apochromatic refractors.
The instrument has a beautiful glossy black, which brings out a lot of the fingerprints, but it really is very scratch resistant, this because the surface is not painted, but rather it is the original color of the material. The instrument then
a precision mechanisms and finish are not bad and all this can be seen in the micrometer type Crayford focuser 2 "fine tuning 1 / 10 and the 31.8 mm reducer included. Turning to optical
you immediately notice that the lenses have a nice green color, a classic of surface treatment. At first glance I noticed that inside the tube there are small anti-reflection baffles.
So at first glance, not take it on, it looks as good as the instrument.
Finally we come to the characteristics of the instrument has an aperture of 80 mm and a focal length of 500 mm for a focal ratio of F6.25

On the field I was able to play the instrument under different conditions and both planets in the sky I profondo.Inizialmente eseguitito a small star test instrument and found impeccabile.Successivamente I pointed the telescope at Saturn, with seeing of about 5 / 10, and went up quickly with the magnification, since the short focal . At about 160x
you begin to distinguish the rings well and the image is well contrasted. Higher still, I have not noticed with the magnification chromatic aberration, as was then reasonably be expected given that the instrument is sold as Apochromatic.
In the deep sky, in the same evening, I was able to focus on M42, M44, M81 and M82. Can be seen on all sides have a little coma, since the short focal length, but in view not notice much . The Orion Nebula is in all his shows and you can see a light green color with good contrast, thanks to the M44 wide field you can not grasp in full. With M81 and M82 are well able to distinguish the shapes of both 2 galaxies, although I have not been able to deepen the vision of both.

The Equinox Sw 80Ed with the bracket support for C8

Crayford Focuser micrometer

Apo lens (note the green) and small aperture interior antireflection

In conclusion I must say that I am fully satisfied with this tool, excellent design and the optics, so for the umpteenth time, and certainly not the last, I have to give reason to James (Staroptics) has strongly recommended it to me.


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