Friday, October 29, 2010

House Of Dereon Queen Comforter


I know.
I know the names and those responsible for what is now called "Clique".
I know the names and those responsible for massacres over 50anni follow each other in Italy.
I know the names of the summit, which maneuvers and maneuver around the system of corruption in Italy and that puts us with a 3.9 rating out of 10 at 67 out of 169 countries in the world behind Rwanda.
I know the names and those responsible for atrocities in Genoa from July 19 to July 22, 2001 during the G8 against defenseless children and that these actions have been banned from holding public office but who continue to live at the highest levels of Armant forces with the support and solidarity of the relevant ministers in spite of these convictions.
I know the names of the regional governors, mayors and representatives of the applications that despite the law and the constitution has been made in recent election elections.
I know the names of those responsible and those who bunga bunga with minors.
I know that RAI is the public service and as such should behave. I know that the Canon RAI is not a tax but a composite service by a service subject to VAT 4% and a fee of just € CCGG only real legal obligation.
I know all these names and all these things that you are guilty but I have no proof. Not even a clue.
I know because, unlike Pier Paolo Pasolini, though not intellectual or writer, I try "to follow everything that happens to know everything that he writes, to imagine all that you do not know or are silent; coordinating also made far, which puts together the pieces of a fragmented and disorganized whole coherent policy framework that restores the logic where there seems to be the arbitrariness, the madness and mystery. "
I try to be aware of all by all means in my possession: TV, newspapers, internet, radio. I listen to all and try to get an idea without an alien will be guided by me, without me fooled by promises easy knowing that we must get to, with great effort and great commitment to culture and information, beyond the immediate provision.
This taught me my father and mother and their friends and fellow political struggle of the Communist Party Italian.
As Pasolini says in its editorial of November 1, 1974 in the Corriere della sera "The truth - it is heard with absolute precision - is behind a lot of action, also in journalism and political imagination that is not fiction or ..."
I know all these things but none of those I know seem to matter today. All are accustomed to executive duties do not dare to take the path of condemnation of the current political system and power and daring creation, planning and development of a new order.
From the beginning until the '900 and '80s there was a party capable of freeing ourselves and push us towards the pursuit of knowledge; a party of men able to create value, to create future leaders who can compete in national and international scene with the best and the worst of this western system.
Today everything is back in the hands of rulers of interest to criminals and society more or less secret Nazi, and secessionist coup.
I now know that, except for a few popular movement style revolt Masaniello some movement or style luxury hotel created thanks to the patronage of comedian, no one is opposed to this system.
Nobody is opposed to this thought.
Nobody is opposed to this economy. Nobody works
opposition able to predict beyond the immediate.


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